Ministries for Kids
Nursery at Faith Church offers a safe and nurturing atmosphere where young children can experience Christ and His love. You may bring your infant or toddler up to age 2 to the nursery areas in our main facility where our team will be happy to care for your child.
Ages: Infants – 2 Year Olds
Sunday Mornings at 10:00am
Wednesday Nights at 7:00-8:15pm
Royal Rangers
Royal Rangers is an activity-based, small-group church ministry for boys and young men in grades K-12 with a mission to evangelize, equip and empower the next generation of Christlike men and lifelong servant leaders. It’s a hands-on program built to guide boys on their journey godly manhood.
Grades: K-5th
Wednesday Nights at 7pm
Girls Ministries
If you’re looking for a girls ministry that seamlessly weaves fun and biblical training together, Girls Ministries Clubs are for you! Your girls will get:
• Adventures, activities, and games that show them how discovering God’s Word is fun!
• Lessons in valuable life skills from sportsmanship and integrity, to cooking and outreach.
• One-on-one help in choosing actions, attitudes, and behaviors that please God.
Grades: K-5th
Wednesday Nights at 7pm
Kingdom Zone
Kingdom Zone is church an experience built for kids in Kindergarten through 5th grade.
Grades: K-5th
Sunday Morning after Worship